11 Questions With Michael Ray [EXCLUSIVE]

2021 is bound to be a big, big year for Michael Ray. With his current single, “Whiskey and Rain,” from his upcoming album already climbing the charts, the Florida native is hard at work on what he promises will be his best — and most country — album yet.

Before life gets too busy, we grabbed some time with him to ask him 11 of our biggest questions. Read on to find out more about country music’s next superstar.

1. What is your favorite cocktail?

Tito’s and soda.

2. What is your favorite food?

Mexican food.

3. When are you the happiest?

I’m happiest when I’m around my family.

4. If you weren’t a singer, what would you be?

A firefighter.

5. What is your biggest pet peeve?

Airports. Especially now.

6. Where is your favorite place to go in Nashville?

I love the Nashville Palace. They just have really good, great old country music. That’s what I always love listening to. And it’s just a good, good atmosphere. And the Grand Ole Opry.

7. What’s your go-to karoake song?

It’s two. It’s either gonna be “Should’ve Been a Cowboy” or “Yeah!” by Usher. It hit back in the day, and I thought people would think I was cool if I did the whole Ludacris part. And it didn’t change anybody’s opinion.

8. Country artist you could listen to over and over again?

Reba McEntire.

9. What do you do when you have a day off?

When it’s hunting season, I’m in the woods, as much as I can be. But a lot of times just taking the time to chill. We’re on the road, and we have very few days that are actually all off. I’ll take the roof off the Jeep and go trail riding. I’m either trail riding in the woods, or just chilling at the house.

10. What is your secret talent?

I wish I had something really cool. I’m trying to think if I have a secret talent. I don’t think I have a secret talent. If I do, I haven’t figured it out.

11. What is something people don’t know about you?

I’m in the Guinness Book of World Records. I played in Haines City, Florida a long time ago for the 4th of July. And the mayor came up to me and said, “Hey, we’re going to do something. We’re going to break the Japan world record for the most sparklers lit at one time.” So I’m a part of it. I thought they were kidding me. The lady was there in the suit and the plaque, and the whole deal. The guy said, “Where would you like us to send your plaque? You were a part of this.” And I was like, “You’re serious?” Sure enough, about a month later, I got a Guinness Book of World Records plaque.