Aaron Watson just dropped a chilling cover of Rosanne Cash‘s 1981 hit, “Seven Year Ache.” Watson’s version, featuring fellow Texan Jenna Paulette, is from his forthcoming Cover Girl album. The record, out later this year, also includes a cover of Taylor Swift‘s “Never Grow Up,” featuring his talented 13-year-old daughter, Jolee Kate, part of an entire project celebrating iconic female artists.
“The idea of this album Cover Girl, originated from some conversations that my daughter and I have had,” Watson tells Everything Nash. “She’s 13. She’s very much into music. She plays the piano, the guitar, and the girl can sing. We’re always discussing some of the artists she likes.”
In those discussions, Watson expressed his concern over the way some of the female artists she admired dressed and conducted themselves in public, which is what ultimately led to the idea for Cover Girl.
“That led into the conversation of us talking about digging deeper into the music,” Watson recalls. “Like, ‘Okay, you love this artist, that’s fine.. But let’s look at some of these other artists that have influenced my career.’ I’m totally biased. I’m always going to favor an artist that plays an instrument and writes their own songs. That’s just my preference. So I started talking to her about all these different artists. And of course, she’s a girl. She’s very inspired by these other female artists, which I totally get. And I said, ‘Well, let’s talk about some of the female artists that have inspired your daddy.'”
It was while Watson and Paulette were both performing at the National Finals Rodeo that Watson had the idea for Paulette to join him on “Seven Year Ache.”
“The “Seven Yer Ache” song has always been one of my favorite Rosanne Cash songs,” Watson explains. “We were playing National Finals Rodeo last year, and my friend Jenna Paulette was out there with us. I was like, ‘Hey, would you wanna sing on my version of ‘Seven Year Ache?’ And she was like, ‘Absolutely.'”
It was Jolee’s idea for her father to cover Swift, an arduous task for the 45-year-old, but one he heartily embraced.
“At some point she was like, ‘Dad, you have to sing a Taylor Swift song.’ And I was like, ‘Okay, ‘” he recalls with a laugh. “I said, ‘Help me find one.’ We searched and we searched and we searched. She would find a song and I’d be like, ‘Jolee, I can’t sing that song. That’s not a song that relates to me. That’s not a song that I can identify with.’ That’s what I told her as an artist, that if you’re gonna sing an outside song, you should sing a song that you are passionate about.”
Watson is excited to be releasing Cover Girl, along with other music he plans to roll out throughout the remainder of the year, while also enjoying a busy touring schedule as well.
“We had some time off whether we wanted it or not, and now we’re refreshed, and we’re better than ever,” Watson shares. “It’s exciting. Just putting out this Cover Girl album is so fun. And that’s supposed to be music, right? It’s supposed to be something that you enjoy. It’s not supposed to be work. I’m having the time of my life.”
Find “Seven Year Ache,” “Never Grow Up” and all of Watson’s music and upcoming concerts at AaronWatson.com.