Bobby Bones is home, and that has nothing to do with where he lives. The award-winning host of the Bobby Bones Show feels at home wherever he is, thanks to his new bride, Caitlin.
“The thing I’m most grateful for is that I’ve never had a family,” Bones tells Nashville Lifestyles. “Ever. There was never that sense of the foundation of a family. And to see that that’s so important to her and to see that that’s how she lives her life, and that is still the number one thing to her—with them and now with me … As much as we could list out the characteristics that have drawn me to her, I think what continues to pull me into her as a constant is just her family values.
“It’s a foreign language to me,” he adds. “It’s like I moved to a new country and I have no choice but to learn, and I can’t wait to learn more because I know that’s how I’m going to survive. I feel like I have that family that I’ve never had.”
He might feel like he moved to a new country, but it’s Caitlin who made the physical move, relocating from California to be with him in Nashville — a concession she willingly made.
“I just have such a sense of peace with him,” she says. “There’s no doubt in my mind that he’s the one for me. I attribute that to God saying, ‘This is your person.’ We grew up three hours apart— didn’t know each other, but so close that we have so many of the same core values. But then we’ve also both moved off and gathered other life experiences. I just feel like we’re rooted in a lot of the same things.”
Caitlin may not think she sacrificed much, but according to Bones, she sacrificed plenty to be with him.
“She moved to California, paid for her own degree, and worked [while she was in school] and then moved to Nashville,” he boasts. “And instead of continuing that path, at least the last few months, she traveled with me or we would have never seen each other. When we were shooting Breaking Bobby Bones, she was constantly on the road. She watched YouTube videos and learned to do my hair on set just so we can be together. She’s really sacrificed a whole lot to be here. I’m very grateful for that.”
Bones and Caitlin spend most of their time together, with Bones soaking up every minute.
“We’re just together all the time,” Bones tells Everything Nash. “We were before we were married. I guess now it’s a lot of the same, except she just can’t run away as fast. That’s what I feel like, like I got her, like I caught the fish. You’re in the boat. It’s hard to flop out of the boat. You might get off the line, you might break the line or, or get off the hook. But once you’re in the boat, it’s kind of hard to get out. I feel like that’s kind of where I got her. So it’s going well, I guess.”
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