Brandon Davis could still be working as a fire sprinkler design engineer, if not for a life-altering accident. The singer-songwriter was severely injured in an accident in 2019, when he was hit head-on by a distracted driver. The injuries he sustained in the accident, along with the unwavering belief in his musical talents by his wife, Destiny, changed everything for him.
“I thought that I had accomplished what I needed to do,” Davis tells Everything Nash of having a steady paycheck. “I had a good job. I had a wife, I had beautiful children. We had a house. We weren’t really wanting for anything. But in 2019, I had a turn of events that really just put a lot of clarity in my vision, and that was a wreck that nearly took my life.”
Although his recovery was tedious and grueling, Davis credits the accident with helping him see what was, and wasn’t, important in life.
“In that moment when I woke up and was taken to the hospital, rushed through emergency surgery to keep me from going septic, it put things in front of me that I hadn’t thought of before,” Davis explains. “Like, how quickly life can be gone, and how so many opportunities can get left behind if you don’t actually pursue them. They can be there ready for you to take, but if you’re not willing to take that one extra step to actually grab those, and use that portion of your life to the fullest, what’s gonna happen when you’re gone? It’s gonna be things you didn’t do. And I don’t want a list of things that I didn’t do, whenever I get ready to go.”
The father of four had an important conversation with Destiny, about the reasons he wanted to pursue music, which was for far more than just his own satisfaction.
“I want what I want for my kids, which is to leave this world knowing I did everything that I possibly could to make the most out of the time I had here,” Davis shares. “And that was what I told my wife.”
Still, it was Destiny who convinced him to take a leap of faith and leave the certainty of a regular paycheck and step out into the unknown, as scary as it might have been at the time.
“At the time I didn’t see it, and my wife kept telling me over and over again, ‘Look, I know you don’t understand right now and you won’t, but one day you will,” Davis recalls. “And whenever I look out from the stage and we’re playing these songs, and we’re going to these different shows in different states and meeting all these new people, I start to understand it. There is so much that, if I hadn’t had that one moment to really put a fork in the road and say, ‘Look, you can either keep going this way or there’s a fun new direction we can go and start this.’ If I hadn’t taken that fun new direction and really gave my life a chance to grow in a different way, then I wouldn’t be here.”
Not only did Destiny convince her husband to take a chance on his music career, but she also became the impetus for getting his music heard, thanks to her insistence that he share his songs on TikTok. At the time, Davis was playing in local bars and restaurants, and posting songs on Facebook and YouTube, but not getting much traction with his music. While he was committed to the climb, however slow it might be, when COVID hit, any chance of increasing his exposure with live shows was quickly canceled.
“When she found TikTok, she started noticing other artists that were posting videos and teasing songs and doing covers. She said, ‘You really ought to try doing this.’ I was like, ‘No,'” he recounts with a laugh. “I’ve seen advertisements on Facebook for TikTok. I said, ‘I can’t dance. And I got two left feet, and dad jokes. Nobody wants to see that. There’s no avenue for that on social media.'”
Fortunately, Destiny was persistent, and captured him, wearing basketball shorts and a cut-off Captain America t-shirt, on Father’s Day in 2020, singing his version of songs by Brad Paisley, Chris Stapleton and Jason Aldean, and the rest is history.
“It was the first one that went viral … I did my best to give my rendition of each of those artists,” Davis says. “I woke up the next morning and that video had started exploding. It blew my mind. I was like, ‘There are actually people that are listening.’ She said, ‘Yeah, look, you’re actually getting a following, so you need to sit down right now and figure out, do you wanna keep doing this or do you wanna keep designing sprinklers for the rest of your life?’ I was like, ‘Well, let’s see when the music goes, and let’s go all for it.’ And thankfully we have,”
Davis’ performance of covers earned him a spot in the early part of 2022 opening for Tim McGraw on his McGraw Tour 2022. He honored his wife earlier this year with a song about her, appropriately named “Destiny.” Davis has big plans for new music and plenty of concerts in 2023. Keep track of updates at BrandonDavisMusic.com.
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I love how you published your life. And music your wife. Is awesome. Too and kids iv been listening to your music and win you and family come on God bless you all 💞❤️❤️❤️❤️💞💞