Brandon Davis has a new song out, this one in honor of his daughter, Maleah. The rising star released “Pretty (Daughter Version),” a new take on his original “Pretty,” released last year.
“This song, it’s so powerful,” Davis said in a video shared on social media, explaining that he wrote the original version for his wife, Destiny. “I wrote it for her. But I thought it would have a more special impact if I was able to give Maleah her own version that she could hold for the rest of her life. That’s what this ended up being.”
Davis hopes that the message in “Pretty (Daughter Version)” is something that his little girl will carry with her for the rest of her life.
“I just thought about everything my little girl does,” Davis explained. “Whether it’s how we do things together, things that I see her do on a daily basis. It was just a way to really show her who she is, and how special she can be, and that she is capable of anything. This song is about truly just showing her that she is so much more than she could ever dream of, and really empowering her to know that at an early age, so that she can carry it on for the rest of her life.”
Davis’ career has been on a steady incline ever since he opened for Tim McGraw on his McGraw Tour 2022. But even with all of his accumulating successes, the singer-songwriter says his family will always remain his first priority.
“I’m the sports dad. I’ve always got a guitar in somebody’s hand,” Davis recently told Everything Nash. “We’re always around the house singing and carrying on. I’m the dad that’s [doing] Nerf gun wars or playing Batman in the middle of the day. But I’m also the dad that’s trying to turn on a movie for all of us to watch, and passing out in the middle of the movie on the couch. So I’m all over the spectrum here. I’m the jack of all, master of none.”
With his busy touring schedule, Davis has had to be creative with the dates he takes, but he makes sure his children always come first.
“Thankfully a lot of their sports take place during the week, and there’s not a whole lot of weekend ventures,” Davis shared. “We had to do a little back and forth this past year when Brantley was playing football, but they decided to stick with baseball this year. So it makes it a little bit easier. But, we just try to time-manage as best we can, and we’re making sure that we’re booking around not just our lives, but the kids’ lives too, because I don’t want to miss those moments.
“I don’t want to be the guy that says, ‘Yeah, my son’s doing great in baseball. I got a video of that the other day,'” he added. “Well, no. I was there for it. I was coaching it. That’s what I want to be there for.”
Find “Pretty (Daughter Version)” and all of Davis’ music and upcoming shows at BrandonDavisMusic.com.
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