Chase Rice‘s new album, I Hate Cowboys & All Dogs Go To Hell, out now. With all 13 songs, Rice bared his heart and soul, in songs like “Bench Seat,” “All Dogs Go To Hell” and more. Rice’s father, Daniel Rice, who passed away in 2008, is also on the cover of the record, telling the world — and maybe himself — that he was ready to be honest and vulnerable, in his music and perhaps in his life as well.
After years of hiding his own personal demons, the Florida native is now bravely opening up about his own struggles, something he vows to keep doing, no longer willing to hide behind music that doesn’t feel authentic to him.
“I’m in the fight,” Rice tells Everything Nash. “I go through phases.I’ve gone through phases of having it together, and then, if I have too much time off, which I’ve had lately, I’m struggling to be honest with that. I’m ready to get back on tour. I need something to do. Not that I can’t sit by myself. But overall, I’m in the fight, and I’m happy, and I have a good group of friends. But I still have plenty of days where I’m like, ‘Man, I do not need this much downtime.’ This album’s really helping me out of that, to be honest.”
Like plenty of artists, Rice struggled during the pandemic, with an extended period of time off the road. It was working on I Hate Everyone & All Dogs Go To Hell that helped Rice move forward, and gave him a new purpose for his career moving forward.
“Now I’m talking about it,” Rice shares. “I have something to do. And it reminds me, ‘Man, you got a platform here. Use it for good, not for selfishness.’ … I’d say that’s what it is. I’m solid, and I’m in the fight, and there are good days and bad days.”
The singer-songwriter broke the mold, one made by his own hands, with I Hate Everyone & All Dogs Go To Hell. But now that he has, Rice is grateful for this new chapter in his soaring career.
“It’s not going backward,” Rice says of being so honest and forthright in his music. “It’s called I Hate Cowboys & All Dogs Go To Hell, and there’s some heavy stuff on it, but the overall theme of the album is love. So I think that’s a positive place to be too, and something positive to talk about.”
Rice will embark on his Way Down Yonder Tour on March 3 in Laughlin, Nevada. Find I Hate Everyone & All Dogs Go To Hell, as well as a list of all of Rice’s upcoming shows, at ChaseRice.com.
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Photo Credit: Courtesy of EB Media / Kaiser Cunningham