Colin Stough has an acoustic version of “I Still Talk to Jesus,” out now. The Mississippi native previously released the autobiographical song shortly after coming in third on the 21st season of American Idol in 2023.
“I wanted to share this track to start the new year off right!” Stough says of the new version of “I Still Talk to Jesus.” “This was one of my biggest songs last year and a fan-favorite, so I hope everyone enjoys this acoustic take. It’s just one of them records where the words cut deep, and I think this version really lets ‘em shine.”
When Stough released the original version, he said he hoped the song encouraged others to be tenacious, and find hope, even amid challenges.
“The main point of the song is to not give up,” Stough said at the time. “Especially in this generation, and in this world, it is really hard to keep going. It’s hard to find people that you can talk to. This song is a reminder that you will always have that one source that is always with you.”
Stough recently released his debut EP, Promiseland, a good indication of what fans can expect from Stough, now that he has left his career in HVAC to pursue music full-time.
“There are some upbeat songs that we’re writing and some slower ones,” Stough recently told Country Now. “But I want my fans to take a message. One of the main things that I always stress at my shows and whatnot is that tomorrow is not promised. So whether you make that your decision or the good Lord’s decision, the main message I want to send to everybody, especially with the sadder and more heartfelt stuff, is that everybody goes through a certain point in life.
“I feel like a lot of fans look at artists and think, ‘It must be nice to be able to have this or do that,’ but in reality, I feel like everybody goes through adversity in life. God’s got a plan,” he added. “So, I really care about the message that I give people.”
Stough moved to Nashville after competing on Idol, with a goal of immersing himself full-time in country music.
“I have to give all glory to the good lord,” Stough shared on social media in August. “A year ago today I was working a full time job and also doing things on the side. Now I’m living in Nashville doing music full time. I can’t be more blessed to have made some of the great friends I’ve made and have a great fan base. If it wasn’t for you guys we couldn’t keep playing the shows we are. Thank you to the people that are making these awesome times happen, from the people to the label, songwriters, fans, the awesome band members, and people who just stream my music.”
All of Stough’s music, including “I Still Talk to Jesus,” Promiseland and more, can be found at OfficialColinStough.com.