Dan + Shay dropped two new songs for the holidays this year, including “Officially Christmas.” The song was inspired by the duo, made up of Dan Smyers and Shay Mooney, and their thoughts on the holiday season.
“People often debate when is it OK to start celebrating Christmas,” Smyers reflects (via The Country Daily). “When is it OK to decorate for Christmas? … Some say the day after Halloween, some say you gotta wait till Thanksgiving. But the way we see it, it’s officially Christmas whenever you feel it in your heart.
“We wrote this song about that,” he added. “We wanted people to have an anthem, when they felt the Christmas spirit they could probably celebrate it and say it’s officially Christmas.”
Dan + Shay also dropped “Pick Out a Christmas Tree,” inspired by Smyers’ love of the annual holiday tradition.
“One day we sat down to write it and it sort of poured out of us,” Smyers recalls. “It’s just the soundtrack for folks going out [with] families, friends, going to a Christmas tree farm or going to a store down the street and picking out a Christmas tree — so that’s how this song came about.”
Dan + Shay just wrapped up their The (Arena) Tour, rescheduled because of the pandemic, and are planning on celebrating this Christmas the way they do every year: by enjoying time with their family and loved ones.
“Our favorite thing to do during the holiday season is just be home with our families,” Smyers shares.. “Our schedules are so busy, we’re touring nonstop pretty much the whole year round — so the holiday season is a good time for us to slow down, to reflect, to spend time with the ones that we love, to be grateful for everything we have in our lives and this holiday season is gonna be no different.”
Find all of Dan + Shay’s music by visiting their website.