HARDY has an update on his upcoming shows, only a few days after he was injured in a tour bus accident, along with his videographer, Tanner Gallagher, his tour manager, Noah Brown and Ricky Hudson, his bus driver. Only Hudson remains hospitalized.
“What’s up guys, HARDY here, just giving an update on myself,” HARDY said in a video shared on social media. “I am okay. I just got done hanging out with Tanner. Tanner is okay. Noah is okay. We still want you guys to pray for our bus driver, Ricky, who is still not in the clear yet. So if you guys could please pray for him that would be greatly appreciated.”
Update on me, my friends and shows for the next two weeks
Posted by HARDY on Tuesday, October 4, 2022
HARDY went on to share news about a couple of dates on his calendar, in light of his ongoing recovery.
“I have decided that it is my best interest to cancel the shows that I have coming up, and that is Arlington, Texas, and that is Flanagan’s in Columbus, Ohio,” HARDY revealed. “I’m very sorry, but it’s just what I need to do right now. ERNEST will be taking my place in Arlington, Texas, and we will reschedule Flanigan’s in Columbus, Ohio for July 1, 2023.
HARDY concluded by asking for continued prayers for Hudson, although the extent of his injuries is unclear.
“I love you guys,” the “wait in the truck” singer said. “Thank you for all the love and support, and just keep praying for Ricky, my bus driver. He really needs it. And he got a good report tonight, but he needs all the love and all the prayers that he can get. I love you guys and we will 100 percent bounce back from this, and it’s gonna be bigger and better than it ever was before. I love you guys and we will be fine in time. So, thank you again, and see you guys out there.”
According to WSMV, the bus was traveling on Interstate 40 around 2:30 AM on October 2 when it went off the roadway, and turned on its left side. HARDY was treated and released from the hospital, but he hinted that his recovery may prohibit him from performing some of his previously scheduled shows.
“I’ve been released from the hospital, but ordered by doctors to recover for the next few weeks which may cost us a couple of shows,” HARDY said at the time. “My team and I will keep the fans updated on that as I rest in the coming days. Please keep our road family in your prayers and I promise to keep you updated in the days to follow. God bless our medics and local and state officials for their quick response and incredible service.”
HARDY’s next scheduled concert is currently on December 1, for the opening night of his headlining Wall to Wall Tour. Keep track of updates at HardyOfficial.com.