Josh Turner‘s Greatest Hits album is here! The 11-track record includes some of Turner’s biggest hits over the years, including “Long Black Train,” “Would You Go With Me,” “Why Don’t We Just Dance” and more.
“Every album to me just kind of marks these just kind of milestones,” Turner says (via UMG Nashville). “It kind of marks certain phases and periods that I went through and different times in my life with family, career, all kinds of different things that we’ve been through and experienced. After a while, when you start looking back and see all the records start piling up and different things that you’ve been able to do through two decades, it’s pretty staggering.”
Also included on his Greatest Hits record is “Your Man,” written by Chris Stapleton, Chris Dubois and Jace Everett. The song, the title track of his 2006 sophomore album, became his first No. 1 single, and is the biggest-selling song of his career to date.
“This song has just blown my mind, to be completely honest, because it went from early on when I first heard it which was Chris Stapleton and his guitar,” Turner recalls. “And obviously Chris and I have very different voices. So when I heard it, I was thinking, ‘I don’t really know if this song works for me or not.’ But [my producer] Frank [Rogers] really believed in it. He said, ‘Take it home. Try it out. Put it in a different key, whatever. See if you can kind of figure it out.’ So, I did, and I was like, ‘You know, it’d be worth a try.'”
Fortunately, when Turner went into the studio to sing “Your Man,” he realized Rogers was right, with the song becoming one of the biggest hits of his 20-year career.
“It just sounded great,” Turner remembers. “It fit my voice well, and it was a great addition to the record. It ended up becoming the title track. I just felt like the album being called Your Man just kind of made a statement, especially being my sophomore record, still trying to prove myself. I just felt like it was just very authoritative and impactful.”
When Turner released his debut single, “She’ll Go With You,” in 2002, he likely never imagined that he would still be recording and performing, more than 20 years later.
“When you start out in this business, you’re never guaranteed longevity,” Turner says. “I’m humbled and thankful that I’m still around making music and that I’ve done well enough for long enough to warrant releasing a Greatest Hits album.”
See a track list for Turner’s Greatest Hits below. Purchase the album, and find all of his upcoming shows at JoshTurner.com.
Greatest Hits Track List:
1. “Would You Go With Me” (From the album Your Man)
2. “Firecracker” (From the album Everything Is Fine)
3. “Hometown Girl” (From the album Deep South)
4. “Long Black Train” (From the album Long Black Train)
5. “Why Don’t We Just Dance” (From the album Haywire)
6. “All Over Me” (From the album Haywire)
7. “Your Man” (From the album Your Man)
8. “Time Is Love” (From the album Punching Bag)
9. “I Wouldn’t Be A Man” (From the album Haywire)
10. “Me And God” (featuring Dr. Ralph Stanley and Marty Roe, Gene Johnson and Dana Williams of Diamond Rio) (From the album Your Man)
11. “I Serve A Savior” (From the album I Serve A Savior)