Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman wed in 2006, combining two superstar careers into one household. The “Wild Hearts” singer has never said their marriage has been easy, only that they love and support each other enough to make their marriage work.
“It’s two people, just trying to figure out how to make it work like any couple’s trying to figure out how to make it work,” Urban told radio station 103. 7 KSON in San Diego. “We’ve all got our circumstances and challenges, whatever they are, and we just figure it out a day at a time. Everybody figures out what works for them. We’ve figured out what works for us. Every couple figures out what works for them.”
Urban and Kidman might have found the secret to success for their marriage, but the New Zealand native is quick to insist that he doesn’t have any suggestions for other people in their marriages.
“When people ask me for advice, I don’t have any, because you’ve got to work out what works for you two, not for anybody else,” he adds.
Urban will take his turn supporting Kidman and her career, when they head to the Oscars on Sunday, March 27, where the mother of four is nominated for Best Actress for her role as Lucille Ball in Being the Ricardos.
“I don’t know if it’s going to go that way, but we’re going to the ball,” Urban said. “We’re very grateful to always get an invite to the ball. I’m incredibly proud of the work she did on Being the Ricardos.”
Urban has previously said that he doesn’t know where he would be without the love and support of Kidman.
“[I’m] thankful that my marriage is just, it’s life-giving, not just life-changing,” Urban told UMG. “It’s been life-giving for me. And from there, we created life, and that’s just beautiful, absolutely beautiful. And the effect that all of that has had in my work, has given life to it too, given it a sense of purpose and really deepened the experience for me.”
It was Kidman who inspired Urban to get sober, mere months after the couple tied the knot.
“I remember just feeling so terrified,” Urban recalled to Rolling Stone. “We had just gotten married and this entity in my life is coming just to crush and kill everything that I’ve got. Everything that’s good. And I was making [a] record during that whole period, trying desperately to keep that entity out of my life. And I was struggling with my voice, I was just struggling with everything.”
Urban will kick off his Las Vegas residency on Friday, March 25, at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace. Find music and tour dates at KeithUrban.net.