After “Take Her Home” became his 33rd No. 1 hit, Kenny Chesney is back with another single. The singer-songwriter is releasing “Just To Say We Did” as the second song from his BORN album, which came out in March.
In typical Chesney fashion, he looked to his fans on his Sun Goes Down Tour to help decide what song would follow “Take Her Home,” and they definitely did not disappoint.
“Everywhere we went, everyone was asking for the same song,” Chesney says. “Everybody wanted us to release ‘Just To Say We Did.’ It was insane how almost unanimous it was, but it’s also pretty much a perfect summer song. I mean, if there’s ever a time when you’re gonna get out of your comfort zone, do something crazy or unthinkable, it’s now.
“And the thing I loved about the song when we were putting BORN together was that idea of ‘shoot your shot!’ Whatever it is, forget the excuses – just do it!” he continues. “Don’t look down, don’t look back! Just jump into the moment and ride it for all it’s worth.”
Chesney had a feeling that the song, which he released ahead of the record, would be perfect for summer, especially while on the road.
“What can I say? ‘Just To Say We Did’ sounds like me and my friends growing up, and so many people I’ve met along the way,” says the 56-year-old. “It’s a song where whatever it is, why not? Get out there and live, shoot your shot, do that bucket list thing – just to say you did. When you can boil down how to create real joy into three minutes that feel this good, I want to sing that song. And I think this summer since we’ve been out on the Sun Goes Down Tour, ‘Just To Say We Did’ captures a lot of the energy we’re live on.”
“Not just my road family, but all those crazy, awesome folks pulling up and tailgating out in the parking lots where No Shoes Nation comes to life every weekend,” he adds. “I can’t always get out there among them, but that doesn’t mean I don’t hear them or see them, because I do – and it reminds me of growing up in the best way possible.”
Chesney is by now a seasoned veteran at touring and performing in front of thousands of fans, but even he admits there is something special about his current Sun Goes Down Tour, which he credits with making “Take Her Home” go all the way to the top of the charts.
“The energy and passion I’m feeling this summer is a whole new level,” Chesney says. “That heart and soul is so strong, it takes these songs to places we didn’t always realize they went. Last week when I was sick, they really brought it and sang with me in a way that changed everything. And it’s in songs like ‘Take Her Home,’ the ones that slow things down, where that desire to be in the moment really stands out.”
Chesney is joined on his Sun Goes Down Tour by Zac Brown Band, Megan Moroney and Uncle Kracker. Find “Take Her Home” and all of Chesney’s music and upcoming shows at KennyChesney.com.