Kenny Chesney, ‘Just To Say We Did’: Story Behind the Song

Kenny Chesney could soon have his 34th No. 1 hit. The Tennessee native is in the Top 15 with his latest single, “Just To Say We Did,” one of five songs Chesney co-wrote for his latest BORN album, released last year. The song, which Chesney wrote with Brett James, David Lee Murphy and Matt Dragstrem, is very much who Chesney is, on and off stage, more than any other song on the project.

“There’s a lot of music on this record that holds a significance for me or they wouldn’t have made the record,” Chesney tells his record label. “I think the most authentic one for me is ‘Just To Say We Did.’ It truly is a part of my DNA, my life experiences, but it doesn’t have to be the experiences that we describe in the song. It can be anything you do with friends, with family — whatever it is to create connection and the intimate details that later in life that you’re going to look back on.”

It was Chesney’s fans who inspired him to release “Just To Say We Did” as a single, after he saw how quickly they latched onto the song during his live shows.

“Everywhere we went, everyone was asking for the same song,” Chesney says. “Everybody wanted us to release ‘Just To Say We Did.’ It was insane how almost unanimous it was, but it’s also pretty much a perfect summer song. I mean, if there’s ever a time when you’re gonna get out of your comfort zone, do something crazy or unthinkable, it’s now.

“And the thing I loved about the song when we were putting BORN together was that idea of ‘shoot your shot!’ Whatever it is, forget the excuses – just do it!” he continues. “Don’t look down, don’t look back! Just jump into the moment and ride it for all it’s worth.”

Chesney captured the magic of the song, and his concert performances, in the video for “Just To Say We Did,” directed by Shaun Silva.

“I wanted a song that really lifted up the heart of No Shoes Nation, these super-passionate people who just live wide open right where they are and create fun when they’re not working harder than anyone,” Chesney explains. “And when it came time to do a video, how do you capture that? Where do you go or how do you show it? But really, No Shoes Nation is all of it.”

“We realized ‘Just To Say We Did’ is the crazy story of this dream, my band, road family and every single person we’ve encountered along the way,” he adds.

When Chesney first released “Just To Say We Did,” the country music superstar said it reminded him of himself and so many others, in years gone by.

“What can I say? ‘Just To Say We Did’ sounds like me and my friends growing up, and so many people I’ve met along the way,” Chesney said at the time. “It’s a song where whatever it is, why not? Get out there and live, shoot your shot, do that bucket list thing – just to say you did. When you can boil down how to create real joy into three minutes that feels this good, I want to sing that song.”

Chesney wrapped up his massive Sun Goes Down Tour in August, one of his favorite tours he has ever headlined throughout his lengthy career.

“The thing about these summers together, is it really is all about friendship,” Chesney said at the time. “It’s about the people out here, our road family and everyone else’s road family, and how those connections grow. It’s a lot, and it’s precious.”

Find “Just To Say We Did’ and all of Chesney’s music and upcoming shows at