Martina McBride is mourning the loss of her father. The singer reveals on social media that her father, Daryl Schiff, has passed away. McBride shared the heartbreaking news on social media.
“I really don’t have the right words,” McBride begins. “My dad passed away Tuesday night. Our hearts are broken. He was 86 and had an amazing life. He was a third-generation family farmer. He was also the leader of our family band, The Schiffters. He taught me so much about music, about life, about how to treat others. Since my mom passed fibe years ago, Dad and I talked on the phone every single night and sometimes during the day. Over 1800 conversations that I am so grateful I had.
“I was able to record some of them, some of his stories, and they are priceless to me,” she continues. “He kept active, still driving and living in his home, and “going down for coffee” with his friends at the local CO-OP. He passed away suddenly and peacefully at his home.”
McBride goes on to share that they both enjoyed similar hobbies, making their already-strong bond grow even stronger in recent years.
“We shared a love of cooking and gardening, often sharing recipes and sending each other videos and photos of what we cooked and how our gardens were progressing,” the Kansas native reveals. “He loved to tell me what he had bought on his almost daily trips to the grocery store. He loved to sit on his porch and always told me when someone stopped by to visit. He loved his family, his friends, and our mom. Having lived here all of his life, he was such an important member not only of the Sharon community but many communities in the area. People remember going to the Schiffters dances and hearing him sing.
“He had the kindest blue eyes and a great laugh,” she concludes. “So much of who I am came from him. There is so much more I could write, and probably will.”
The mother of three raised her daughters much the way she was raised, even though the circumstances were entirely different. But much like her childhood, McBride and her husband John made their girls work for everything they had.
“I feel like it robs them of their satisfaction when they do a good job or they earn something,” McBride tells People. “I mean, there have been times where I’ve been like, ‘This is ridiculous. My kid has one pair of shoes. Why does she just have one pair of shoes?’ But I had one pair of shoes when I was a kid, and I was fine.’”