New music is coming from Michael Ray, and soon. The Florida native will release “Workin’ On It” on Friday, May 12, from his forthcoming Dive Bars & Broken Hearts album.
“If there’s a song on this EP that’s me, it’s probably ‘Workin’ On It’,” Ray shares. “It’s the idea that old cars need pieces, there’s always a project to do, but maybe the biggest project of all is… me. And that’s great. Knowing you’re always gonna try to be better, but, you know, also finding the fun in that. Isn’t that what life is all about?”
Per the trailer, “Workin’ On It” seems to follow the storyline of “Get Her Back,” Ray’s first release from Dive Bars & Broken Hearts. The new track celebrates all that is good in Ray’s life, and all that he loves.
“Life isn’t hard or some big mystery,” Ray acknowledges. “Even though hard things happen, you can choose to sink into those times or lift yourself up, find the good and make some happy for other people. That’s how I was raised, and that was something I wanted to throw out there. We get to pick how we act and what we do. That’s what ‘Workin’ On It’ and this video are all about.”
Ray will perform both new songs at the Grand Ole Opry on Saturday, May 13, as part of Carrie Underwood’s 15th anniversary celebration of her becoming a member.
“This music is a big deal to me,” Ray explains. “It’s been a journey to get to the country music I was raised on – the things that throwback to Conway, Haggard, Hank Jr. I’m doing everything I can for people to see how much this sound means to me, so the Opry is a great place to start.”
Dive Bars & Broken Hearts, which follows Ray’s 2021 Higher Education EP, is being produced by Michael Knox. Known for his work with Jason Aldean, the Florida native is more excited than ever about his next set of tunes.
“I took some time to really think about what I wanted,” Ray says. “When you strip it all back, think about what really matters to you, you cut away a whole lot of reasons that should never drive your music. I’m a kid from central Florida, raised singing at the Sunshine Opry, playing Froggers, turning it up when Jones, Hank Jr. and later Montgomery Gentry hit the dial. I like the ones who hit their country straight up and hard. I knew one guy who makes that kind of country: Michael Knox.”
“Workin’ On It” will be out on May 12. Dive Bars & Broken Hearts will be released on June 23. Find all of Ray’s music and upcoming shows at MichaelRayMusic.com.