Michael Ray is expected to soon announce details of his upcoming third studio album. The record, which will include both “Whiskey and Rain,” and “Picture,” will also include songs that Ray has written, personal songs about his own life.
“I’ve been working on new music over the last year or so, and I’m really excited for my fans to hear it,” Ray tells the Nashville Edit. “I think they’ll get a better understanding of who I am. These songs have come to mean a lot to me, and I think they were a large part in helping me find my true self.”
One thing Ray said he won’t talk about on his new set of tunes is his divorce from Carly Pearce, saying that “trying to throw shade on anybody else is not my thing.” But what he does have is several of his friends on his new record, who helped him flesh out the songs when he got stuck in a creative rut.
“I think it really helps to reach out to your friends and other songwriters,” Ray says. “Getting a few folks together to work out a line or a hook that’s just not there yet, but you can feel the potential if you just had a little insight from someone else, works every time.”
The 33-year-old will also likely have songs about his own family, who have been his biggest cheerleaders throughout his entire career.
“They’ve always supported my wildest dreams, and they’ve helped me make sure I’ve stayed true to myself,” Ray says. “Nashville can be a very tough town, and just knowing that my family has been rooting for me from Florida gives me the strength to keep going.”
It’s family that also inspires him to give back to causes that are close to his heart — literally.
“I am passionate about organizations supporting awareness and prevention of heart disease,” Ray reveals. “It runs in my family and ultimately led to the passing of my grandfather and my uncle – both of whom were very important to me. I think that early detection can be preventative, and I’d like to use my platform to encourage people of all ages to get their hearts checked early and often.”
No word yet when Ray’s third album will be released. All of his music can be found at MichaelRay.com.