This is a tough loss for Nashville. Chaffin’s Barn Dinner Theatre, which got its start in the ’60s, is permanently closing its doors, after suffering a massive financial loss because of the coronavirus pandemic. The heartbreaking announcement was posted on the popular venue’s website.
“After dramatic attempts, much heartbreaking soul searching, and hundreds of prayers, the only conclusion is really very simple,” owner Norma Luther wrote. “There is no way for the Barn to ever recover or reopen under my ownership. Financially and emotionally this has been devastating to me personally, the entire staff, long time season members/patrons, the 1000’s of senior citizens and charities we supported, as well as some of the performers and musicians who genuinely appreciated the Barn and the opportunities that the Barn provided.”
The owner went on to offer information on how to receive refunds and information on the sale of the property, before concluding with a final farewell to Chaffin’s longtime fans.
“There is no doubt in my mind that God will continue to bless each and every one of you as He has continued to bless me,” she wrote. “Our buttons and motto said ‘Chaffin’s Barn… the Legacy Continues’ and I believe that to be true… starting with the Chaffin Family, continued by John and Janie Chaffin, and led forward by myself and a terrific staff, the real LEGACY of Love, Equality, and Entertainment will continue to spread with fond memories.”
Chaffin’s began as The Barn Dinner Theatre, operating as many as 27 locations at one time. The Nashville venue and one in North Carolina are the only two that remained in operation. John and Janie Chaffin owned and operated Chaffin’s Barn until 2017, when they retired after 50 years.
The closing of Chaffin’s Barn comes as 15 popular Nashville restaurants have also closed because of the struggles due to COVID-19. On October 1, Nashville moved into Phase 3 of the Reopening Plan, which allows restaurants and bars to open at 50 percent capacity, also allows business to remain open until 11:00 PM. Large venues can host up to 500 people at one time.