Raleigh Keegan has a new EP out, A Tale of 7 Cities. Keegan co-wrote all of the songs on the eight-track record, plus the bonus track, inspired by his own love of travel and seeing the world.
“When I’m trying to pick what album or what project I’m gonna do next, I look through songs that I’ve written in my little voice memo on my phone,” Keegan explains to Everything Nash. “I’m trying to find patterns. I noticed that I had a few city titles in the songs. As a songwriter, I’m always trying to flip things on their heads. I was watching Hulu and this commercial with Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities came on.
“I’m always trying to flip something,” he continues. “So at first, it was A Tale of Two Countries that was in my head. And then I was like, ‘Wait, I’ve got these city songs, but I’ve got a bunch of them.’ I like the way seven cities sounds together, and the alliteration. So that’s how it came, from a Hulu commercial.”
One of the tracks on A Tale of 7 Cities is “Miss Me Memphis,” a song Keegan wrote with Kelly McKay and Chad Judd. The origins of the song, perhaps surprisingly, hearken back to an earlier time in Keegan’s life, at the cusp of his now-flourishing music career.
“I was in jazz and we took a trip to Memphis, to visit Graceland,” Keegan recalls. “I think this was in middle school. We saw Graceland, Beale Street, just a ton of stuff in Memphis. It, strangely, really impacted me musically when I was young, because of the blues. Country music was there too, but there was blues country. There’s a little bit of like R&B kind of soul stuff there. I was really inspired by that, and I always remembered that. I equivocate the feeling of Memphis as me as a young kid walking up and down Beale Street, just really free and really loving life and not thinking too hard about anything. So that’s what that song’s about.”
A Tale of 7 Cities follows Keegan’s Clocks Roll Forward, which was released last October. While the influx of new music keeps Keegan busy — really, really busy — the singer-songwriter enjoys sharing as much music as he can, as fast as he can.
“I’ve already got two more [projects] in the pipeline, which I found is a good thing and a bad thing, because it’s expensive to do music. But when you start, when it starts getting played, then you make money,” Keegan concedes with a laugh. “So now I’m obsessed. I can’t quit doing it. It’s somewhat of a problem.”
Keegan might have recently released a lot of music, but he hints that there will likely be a lot more music from him in the future as well.
“If I could, I would put out — this is gonna sound intense, but I’d probably put out five albums a year, if I could. I have that many songs too. The actual promotion of a record is a lot of time. The creation is a long time too, but that feels like I could do that every day for the rest of my life. I’m aware that people don’t do it that way, but I have an addictive personality, so I’ve just been cranking it out. I’m already working on the next stuff. I might be like a two-album dude a year. I don’t know.”
See a track list for A Tale of 7 Cities below. Find all of Keegan’s music by visiting his website.
A Tale of 7 Cities Track Listing:
1. “Cold Day in Tucson” (Raleigh Keegan, Mark Narmore, and Alex Dooley)
2. “Send My Love to Lexington” (Raleigh Keegan, Dan Wilson, and Cassidy Lynn)
3. “How’s the View in New York City” (Raleigh Keegan, Danielle Blakey)
4. “New to Nashville” (Raleigh Keegan, Daniel Leathersich, and Ryan Brisotti)
5. “Paris Wheel” (Raleigh Keegan, Mark Narmore, and Alex Dooley)
6. “Lonely Night in LA” (Raleigh Keegan and Rick Huckaby)
7. “Miss Me Memphis” (Raleigh Keegan, Kelly McKay, and Chad Judd)
8. “Where My Home Is” (Raleigh Keegan, Daniel Leathersich, and Ryan Brisotti
9. Bonus Track: “Lost in Vegas” (Raleigh Keegan, Alex Dooley, and James Robert Webb)