Nashville’s famed The Bluebird Cafe remains closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, with no immediate plans to reopen. The venue’s General Manager, Erika Wollam Nichols, shared in a lengthy post on social media, that The Bluebird Cafe would remain closed for the foreseeable future.
“We’re receiving calls every day – to check on whether we are currently open (which is no, we are not) and when we will open,” Erika began. “I wanted to answer everyone straightforwardly. We don’t know. What makes The Bluebird such a unique experience; the intimacy and interaction, where our audience of song lovers and fans is seated close to the writers and each other…our small room of 90 seats…right now, that is not a safe or healthy environment.
“We plan to remain closed until we can open safely, keeping the health of our visitors, our songwriters and our staff in mind,” she continued. “This includes both public performances and private events. Right now, we have no idea, and cannot predict when that might be.”
Erika also admitted not knowing when The Bluebird could open, especially considering the uncertainty of COVID-19, made it difficult for her to predict when they could welcome guests and performers again.
“Like many of you, I am a planner,” Erika acknowledged. “In order to operate a business, especially one that relies on coordinating people, actions and activities, you need to plan and schedule. That is understood to be part of the job description. For all of us, in our work and personally, calendars and dates direct our lives and that scaffolding has now been toppled by a situation that we cannot control despite our wishful intentions. What we do know is that this virus is here to stay for the foreseeable future. We know that people are becoming ill, some gravely, others less so, but the virus is spreading and has no timeline.
“We also know that people, congregating in small, enclosed spaces like The Bluebird Cafe is a recipe for continuing the spread of the virus,” she continued. “In light of these health and safety concerns, there are also economic consequences that we must consider. As a small, independent business, we have a very limited margin of profit. Given the reduced capacities that safety dictates, we cannot open without taking a financial hit and losing money on a nightly basis.”
Erika also hinted that they are exploring other ways for people to enjoy shows and music, even while The Bluebird Cafe remains closed to the public.
“In the meantime, we are working to create a few ways that our fans can share and participate in some Bluebird experiences while we are unable to welcome you into the club,” Erika concluded. “Stay with us on our social media and via our website for information updates – and please, everyone, stay healthy. We want to see your lovely faces back with us at The Bluebird Cafe!”
Updates can be found at The Bluebird Cafe’s website and their Facebook page.